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Symbol Font for ASL

How can you read and write American Sign Language?

Lesson 21: Locations in Space 2

Each finger orientation symbol can also be used to identify a movement plane.

floor/ceiling plane
wall plane

Locations in signing space can be specified more precisely by including a movement plane symbol.

upper left
upper right
lower left
lower right
front left
front right
back left
back right
How to Type: Location Symbols

These location symbols are typed using J / Z \ ~ " and |


Try it out
Type J / Z \ ~ " and | to make reference location symbols:

Using Reference Location Symbols

Floor/ceiling plane
vehicle, front left
sit, front right
object, back left
person, back right
Wall plane
surface, upper left
light, upper right
area, lower left
looking up at me, lower right
Type in just the orientation symbols for these signs:
vehicle, front left
sit, front right
object, back left
person, back right
surface, upper left
light, upper right
area, lower left
looking up at me, lower right

Lesson 22: Hand Locations 2